Our church is a progressive and inclusive community dedicated to respecting the inherent worth and dignity of everyone. Our Sunday services and weekly events are designed to inspire, educate, reassure, and foster thought and action.
We're located in La Crescenta, a neighborhood near Glendale and Sunland-Tujunga, just south of Foothill Blvd. between the Lowell and Pennsylvania exits of the 210 freeway.
We look forward to meeting you!
Sunday Services at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday Services
February 2: Crisis of Faith
Sometimes we feel that life is meaningless and that all that we've done or strived for is meaningless, useless: the spiritual beliefs we've held no longer ring true; institutions serve themselves; people let us down. What can you do to rebuild your faith, regain courage and find new meaning in life? Discussion Sunday will be in Friendship Hall. Presented by Valerie Weston, lay leader.
February 9: Be Curious - Not Furious!
Representatives from “Braver Angels,” an organization dedicated to helping depolarize America, will return to talk more about how we can have civil conversations and relationships with people whose political beliefs may differ from ours. Learn more about how to “depolarize” yourself and your interactions.
February 16: The Mysterious History of Magic
In this recorded message we will learn about the fascinating history of the magical arts through time: its ancient origins, its development in various civilizations, its complex relationship with early spiritual practices, and its legacy kept alive by various secret societies throughout the centuries.
February 23: Magic Recipes: Science and the Profound Meaning of Spring
Eggs and seeds are quintessential symbols of birth and spring, but did you ever really contemplate the magic that hides inside them? The new science of emergence is like 1+1 = poetry; it’s magic, but also rigorous science, and spring is full of this magical unfolding. The secret is (shhh…) we are that magic, too!
Got a favorite topic, hymn, Ted Talk, friend that plays music, or know someone with an interesting life story?
Please bring your ideas to the Sunday Service/Worship committee.
We encourage everyone to share your thoughts and feedback!
Send an email to Howard, services@uuverdugo.org